Tune into the LOVESTREAM

Pic by Andriana Lehr

Hi dahhhling,  

"What is this delight-filled universe
into which we find ourselves born?
What is this mysterious awareness
Shimmering everywhere within it?"

- Radiance Sutras -
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
Banter Verse 2 as translated by Lorin Roche

Holy Bones it is freezing here in Minneapolis.  -7 F when I woke this morning and a strong, steady 0 for the rest of the day.  Yesterday I made myself go on my "daily 5k" run which has been neglected due to this freezing-ness,  and I wore so many layers you could only see my eyeballs.  And yet, even in the freezing air,  the world was shimmering.  Sometimes I wonder if only I can see it ... and believe-you-me,  I can't always see it.  However, the trees, barren,  reaching into the bluest sky,  waking up underneath -- spring WILL come! The wind blowing dry crystalline prisms of snow around.  My breath making its own swirls of smoke.  I hope you're staying warm, and finding some beauty, wherever you can.  The world needs it. 

I offered this meditation with the breath in yoga today and here it is for you - you can do it anywhere! You can do it right now,  with me!
1) Slow down and lengthen your breath a little bit
2) As you inhale,  imagine a warm,  glowing light that gently sparks at the center of your chest
3) On exhale,  imagine that warm, glowing light radiating out from your center to all of your limbs,  up to your head,  down to your root and beyond your body.   Like your heart has a big warm beautiful bright sun in it!
4) repeat x 1,000,000

See - you can do that with one breath or a million.  Your heart,  a warm glowing light.  Wouldn't ya know,  I wrote a song about that?? Here's the piano version.  

Also, my advice for the day is to go around and touch and talk to and give a little shake to all of your houseplants.  They love it!!

 TOMORROW - "LoveStream" Friday, February 12th on YouTube Live - 7:30pm 

I LOOOOOOVE Valentine's Day.  The red,  the arrows,  the flowers,  the chocolates,  the poetry.  And I give it all to myself.  If someone else gives me some of that sweet mojo,  hell yes,  doubly awesome! To bask in love is a wonderful thing.   And to nurture your broken heart is a wonderful thing.  This weekend my hope for you it to be the best lover to yourself.  Give yourself all the good food,  take a bath full of flower petals, adorn yourself in beautiful clothes,  romantic poetry,  nourishing your divine and sweet heart. You deserve.  Love is your birthright. 

AND I wanna sing to you!!! On the YouTube - Friday night.  Songs of love,  songs of tormented heart-fuckery,  songs of heart-ache and heart-hope -- I'm here for you TOMORROW,  Friday, Feb. 12th 7:30pm CST. 

I'll be on the YouTube via my drummer friend Richard Medek's sweet rehearsal space. 

Link here for that livestream - you can set a reminder via YouTube here - FREE!  Donations welcome,  and / or donate to support the Water Protectors or to Loveland Foundation Therapy fund!

TUNE IN TO MY YOUTUBE CONCERT HERE - 7:30pm CST https://youtu.be/1zUtbr-C-9A


One thing that has been getting me through this pandemic is DANCING.  I've been attending Dance Church Go on Sunday afternoons and sometimes have tapped into my old friend Heidi's Zumba on Zoom classes.  I used to dance well into the night to old fun techno tunes but now I've switched that out to dancing before the sun rises to get myself in a good mood before the shit storm of the day. LOL.  Anyway,  me and my friend Tara have been doing all of these Goddess workshops together and we have a giant 6 month immersion coming up.  What better way to drum up some of the SHAKTI than hosting a free magical mini ceremony and DANCE PARTY!!??? Everyone is invited.  I wrote a song inspired by this goddess,  we'll do some meditating,  some moving,  and then we'll dance to the elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space! 

Reserve your (free) spot here https://bit.ly/3oYebVS - and you'll get a link to access the Zoom magic portal.  

Let's get the warm and glowing Shakti FLOWING in the depths of winter! Join Tara & Mary for a free and festive mini-ceremony and dance party to celebrate the beauty, love, and creative fire in each of us. All are welcome. Meditation, music, mantra, and movement inspired by the energy of Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari - Goddess of Erotic Spirituality and Ecstasy! Who couldn't use a little boost of this mojo??!

Bring a candle, a light and flowing scarf, and maybe some of your favorite essential oil. 60 minutes of practice and ceremony followed by an optional Elemental-inspired dance party honoring Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space!

Can't wait to dive in and shake it up with you on Saturday, Feb 20th!
Registration (required) for this meeting on Zoom here!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

PS! If this is your jam, we are offering a 6 month deep dive exploring the sacred stories, energies, symbols, and practices inspired by Lalita Tripura Sundari beginning March 7th!
More info here:  marybue.com/product/lalita/
 There is so much hard shit going on, 

Let's band together and spread some good vibes! Not ignoring the pain,  not bypassing the pain,  being IN the pain with our full,  beautiful hearts so we can show up.  


xo, Mary 

I so hope you are enjoying the new album!  You can hear it on Spotify iTunes / Apple Music,  Bandcamp,  and on and on and of course get a physical copy from my website on CD or vinyl at marybue.com/shop.

If you really really REALLY wanna support a sustainable artist life,  please check out my Patreon!  A monthly membership which gives access to exclusive content,  and in some cases fun mail like vinyl,  cow portraits,  30+ virtual yoga classes and more.  Patreon.com/marybue - Thank you for considering!! xo.


For Lovers of Covers and Classic Country


Much Love + #5 In The Star Tribune + End of 2020 Recap