Imbolc Musings

🌾 On this Imbolc eve, a celebration of light, halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox ... this day of Saint Brigid ~ Lá Fhéile Bríde, Ireland's patron saint of healing, fire, and poetry ...

... this photo depicts how I feel knowing that one year ago tomorrow I broke free from some heavy chains ...

(or "The Chain" as I will be referencing Fleetwood Mac all week leading up to the "Go Your Own Way" Sing-along at the Turf Club on 2/8!)

... more free and at ease, myself, returned to Self.

Feeling the energy of anniversaries and the annual returns, Earth & Sun moving through space

Feeling the energy of the portal of time and trauma, the way the sun shone down on those days, freakishly warm

There is so much I've learned, am learning ... and these are a few of the lessons of this year:

"You can't rush your healing"

Love cannot ripen rot on the vine, however strong, however sweet

it's not our (my) job to try to heal anybody, put that effort down, it's not mine, it's not yours

How a broken heart can allow the darkness to creep ... creep in through the vulnerable cracks, faultlines and fissures of safety, worn down and earth-quaked through traumatic experience, broken trust/innocence

Those friends that stay and hold space through pain without shaming are worth keeping

Boundaries and self-protection are hard-won and necessary

And ... "There is still time to do good things" (says a sign at the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico)

Holding the bliss and the terror and everything in between. I'm grateful, to be able to love and love hard, and I will keep doing so, in the face of all my, and your, and the world's mess. It's worth it*

*but not in certain circumstances

Excited news coming tomorrow (I HOPE!) May we get our Gold Dust together ✨

Leaving you with these lines: how I wish people could talk to those working through crisis, trauma, abuse ~ from my new song "Bedding Down with the Deer"

"Take your sweet time
There is no rush
we won't leave you behind
least not the ones you should love
rest as long as you need
sleep as deep as you can
reach when you need a hand
we'll do our best to understand"

Photo by Ilia Stockert


Are You a Neurotic Artist? Yay, me too! + Yoga of Sound (Duluth) ~ early January Newsletter